This factsheet contains an overview of the Mount Laurel Doctrine’s function, enforcement, and timeline in New Jersey.
This factsheet contains an overview of the Mount Laurel Doctrine’s function, enforcement, and timeline in New Jersey.
In 2024, New Jersey enacted landmark legislation to strengthen the Mount Laurel Doctrine and increase affordable housing production over the next decade.
This factsheet contains an overview of Affordable Housing Legislation Senate Bill 50/Assembly Bill 4 and current work for those unfamiliar with our organization.
This factsheet contains the priorities of Fair Share Housing Center’s current focus on our organization’s’s legislation to provide viable solutions to address some of the
This factsheet contains our budget recommendations for the Fiscal Year 2024 budget.
This factsheet contains an overview of Fair Share Housing Center’s origins and current work for those unfamiliar with our organization.
This factsheet contains an overview of the Fair Chance in Housing Act (2021) and information on how to file a complaint of housing discrimination with
This fact sheet contains policy recommendations for the use of American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds.
This factsheet contains policy recommendations to address the housing affordability crisis’s effect on NJ communities of color.
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Fair Share Housing Center is a nonprofit advocacy organization that uses legal, policy, and community-building strategies to fight for housing justice in New Jersey and beyond.