Invocation for Philadelphia City Council – June 9th, 2022

Invocation for Philadelphia City Council – June 9th, 2022

June 15th, 2022


By Rev. Eric Dobson

In the spirit of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Compassion, let us pray.

The conscious of Life, gods of many names, be in our hearts and minds as we come together today to pray for our Nation, State and City. We come today as people whose faith has been shaken by the calamities in Buffalo, Uvalde and Philadelphia. Although we mourn for the families that must forever live with failures of our government to act, yet, we remain hopeful that these same lawmakers will find the courage needed to protect all citizens by passing meaningful gun reforms laws that will bring with it the blessings that no other family will have to bury a loved one before the world get to experience their brilliance, love and compassion.

Let us know that each from our own tradition comes today to lift our spirit in unity. Knowing that we are all part of an interdependent life force that calls us to heal each other, and not destroy each other. Let us acknowledge and embrace our oneness! We pray for this City Council today that they become loving and able stewards of this great City. We pray that we acknowledge our differences as we seek out our common ground, each of us working toward the good of all city residents and not just the pillage few, or the politically connected but for us all!

We recognize that there are political differences which can sometimes lead to tension and frustration. We pray this council understands that tension can be used as positive energy which can be a conduit for action towards Racial, Economic and Social integration instead of segregation. We know that there is untold good amongst our City Council, and untold good about folks in this City that work every day for the benefit of all people. Let us stand with them. We pray that while we recognize there are occasional loss of faith in people, we still must call upon the strength of our faith traditions, our ancestors, a higher power, or tap into our own inter-divinity so that we might bring forth the greatness that exists in us all. Yes, let us see and work towards a city that can be, in spite of the way it is. Let us work to be the change that we seek.
